UCEM celebrated its 105th anniversary with a Hong Kong Reception Dinner

張貼於: 2024-06-18

UCEM recently celebrated its 105th anniversary with a Hong Kong event, marking this important landmark occasion with Honorary and Associate Fellows, key stakeholders from industry professional bodies, employers, alumni, and current students.

上星期三,UCEM 在香港舉行了105 週年誌慶晚宴,並以此值得紀念的時刻為契機,邀請到100多位建造與測量業界的佼佼者、各專業學會及公司代表、長期合作夥伴、UCEM的榮譽院士、副院士和校友參與。晚宴由UCEM Vice Chancellor, Mr. Ashley Wheaton 和貴賓香港營造師學會主席孟泰倫先生致詞開幕。


Guest of Honour HKICM President Cr Terence Mang gave a keynote speech on Construction Manager in Sustainable Construction


The celebration focused on the theme of sustainability, a crucial agenda for the future of construction. Cr Terence Mang highlighted the need for innovation and a deep commitment to environmental stewardship in all construction projects. His speech resonated with attendees, reinforcing the shared vision for a sustainable and forward-thinking industry.

當晚各嘉賓,包括長期合作夥伴和支持者,都讚譽 UCEM 在過去 45 年來在香港的教育和專業發展方面的不懈努力。這種牢固的關係是 UCEM 在香港測量、建造和房地產行業取得成功和影響力的基石。

我們的Vice Chancellor, Mr Ashley Wheaton 提到:「這次慶祝活動為我們提供分享了UCEM 在香港及廣泛地區發展藍圖的良機,確保我們的課程持續切合香港的需求。我們致力擴大影響力,提供符合行業需求的教育,以滿足行業不斷變化的要求。」


UCEM Vice Chancellor Ashley Wheaton celebrated UCEM's enduring presence and influence in Hong Kong and emphasised sustainability remains a cornerstone of strategic vision for growth at UCEM


當晚晚宴彰顯了 UCEM 於香港地區發展的承諾:作為全球頂尖的網上專業認可學位課程的提供者之一,UCEM 承諾將透過與夥伴持續合作關係和精進建造領域的教育,繼續塑造建造業的未來,建設一個可持續發展的世界。


The professional photos from the dinner are posted on our Facebook Page and LinkedIn. Please tag us in any photos you share on your channels.